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Customer Inspiration - Mandy's amazing retro apartment!

Greetings and welcome to Mandy's super cool apartment which is brimming with fabulous furniture that she purchased from Jubilee Furniture! Mandy is the perfect example of what semi-regular browsing at the store will net - since her shopping has happened slowly over the last year or so. And she's not done yet - thankfully! - she writes "There are still a couple of rooms in our apartment, like my office, that I haven't acquired a Jubilee piece for yet. All in good time..."

Let's begin our tour...

Though I love this cabinet (it's the liquor cabinet in an odd corner of the kitchen), it's the lamp which was purchased from Jubilee. It looks almost identical to the one I bought recently from the store and have in my bedroom - but Mandy's has a better shade than mine. Mandy emailed me, "The lamp is a gem...It adds nice ambient light when we have dinner parties."

The maroon wing back in Mandy's library (she writes, "if you can call it that") is where "my boyfriend loves to read every night." Though Mandy is hoping to reupholster the chair, "he'd be perfectly fine with it if we don't reupholster this piece, but the maroon is really not doing it for me." I actually don't mind the color - especially like it with that super fun sunny yellow library card holder which I love and I also like the ottoman (neither - alas - were purchased from Jubilee but that's okay). I can see why it would be a wonderful place to put your feet up and dig into a great book (speaking of great books - have you read The Help by Kathryn Stockett? It's set in Jackson, Mississippi in the late 1950s/early 1960s and is written in three different women's voices. It's a riveting read about black maids and their white employers.)

One thing Mandy writes is, "Had I known in my early days of Jubilee shopping that there is no need to be hasty in your shopping and if you wait long enough the perfect piece will turn up, I would never have bought two chairs I want to reupholster." Thanks for the good reminder, Mandy!

This chair isn't one that Mandy wants to reupholster since it's perfect - in all it's orangeyness - just the way it is! It's in Mandy's bedroom and I love the earring tree on the dresser next to it - can you see it?

Though the bookcase with color-coordinated books is the show stopper in this photo - it's the coffee table that Mandy purchased from Jubilee and it's amazing too! She writes: "And the coffee table is great too (really, have I gotten anything I haven't loved at Jubilee?). Obviously the photo of it isn't recent - I don't leave my Christmas decorations up all year. ;) But I took it last December and I liked this photo, so I figured I'd just include it." And glad I am that you did, Mandy!

I left my personal favorite Jubilee Furniture purchase that Mandy made to last - this pink retro chair - which, if I'm remembering correctly swivels and rocks! It's Mandy's favorite too, "It's totally unique and fits great in our living room. That little corner is one of my favorites in our apartment. It sits right next to an old doctor's cabinet I got in Ohio, where I house my Alice in Wonderland collection." How cool is this?!

Speaking of cool, Mandy ends her email with these words, "Thanks for being so awesome Susan. Seriously everyone I have gone to Jubilee with has commented on how cool you are. And all of the volunteers are really sweet too. I spread the word as much as I can!!"

Since I am probably the single most UN-COOL person you will ever meet - I just might have to frame Mandy's email and highlight her comments!

Wow - wasn't that a wonderful glimpse into Mandy's place?! What a great collection of different styles which come together in a refreshing, beautiful way! Thank you, Mandy!

Have you purchased something from the store that you'd be willing to take a photo of and email to me at If so, YOU might be showcased next Tuesday!


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