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Customer Inspiration - John and Judy's home!

Hello and welcome to John and Judy's lovely home! As missionaries returning from Spain, John and Judy relocated to DuPage County with no home and no furniture. Thankfully, they found the perfect house quickly and then found Jubilee Furniture and their furniture needs were also quickly solved (well, over three or four weeks - faithfully checking the blog and then spending a lot of time in the store with tape measure and a list of needs - that is!). One of the things I love about working at the store is getting to know - a little - my customers and I've very much enjoyed getting to know John, Judy and their daughter, Alyssa. Amazing people. So, when they were in again on Saturday and mentioned practically their whole house was furnished with Jubilee Furniture furniture - I asked if they would take a few photos and email me so I could showcase their home in my Tuesday "customer inspiration" segment - and they graciously agreed!

So, let's take a look at their shaping-up-very-nicely-if-I-do-say-so-myself home!

I love the colonial style of this lighted china cabinet! It's interesting to me that more often than not when a couple is purchasing furniture from Jubilee both parties are invested in making each selection and that was certainly true in John and Judy's case. Every purchase was made jointly with both of them looking at each piece of furniture from every angle and considering the cost of purchase and getting it home before making a final decision. This piece looks wonderful in their dining room!

Here's Alyssa lying on her full-size bed - the head board and frame were just purchased on Saturday from the store and Alyssa got to pick them out! I love the color of Alyssa's room and think the wood and iron head board looks great! Not to mention how lovely Alyssa looks too!

Their family room is ready for TV night or an overnight guest since the sofa is a sleeper and the rocker/recliner looks like a perfect place to nap (ooops, can you tell I'm having a "fatigue fit" as my grandmother used to say?). You know I'm a plaid girl so am loving the sofa!

The sofa, chair and end table were all purchased from Jubilee and look great in John and Judy's living room. I especially like the fabric color with their wood floors!

We don't often get outdoor furniture donated but when we do it usually goes fast and that's the case with the four chairs J & J purchased. They already had the table and interestingly the chairs were donated without a table - so you might say it was a match made in heaven! The cheery yellow mum, comfy, bouncy chairs and the lovely weather we've been having makes this deck - I imagine - a great gathering place to unwind at the end of the day!

Since there appear to be a few "holes" left to fill at John and Judy's place I'm thinking they might continue to regularly stop in at Jubilee Furniture - which makes me smile since I always like seeing 'em (bring Alyssa too!)!

John ended his email by writing, "Jubilee has been a tremendous blessing for us as we set up housekeeping here in the US on a limited budget." Ahhh, how sweet is that?!

Have you purchased something from the store that you could take a photo of and email me at so I might share on a Tuesday in the near future? If so, that would be great! Though we work hard staging the furniture each week in the showroom - bottom line it's an old warehouse with awful lighting and no windows and things just look better in your home and it's fun to see them there.

Thus ends another customer inspiration, dear reader!

Take care!


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